A full-scale study of the urban and local spatial development of Budva from its foundation to the present day in the form of a documentary film
A platform for interaction between Montenegrin specialists and Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian emigrants extensive experience in the field of sustainability, who together are ready to build sustainable tourism and business activity in the city, developing its historical heritage.
Sustainable Tourism
Dvorišta — this is a project to create a media product-research on architecture and social practices in Montenegrin cities, which can become the basis for the creation of a product on sustainable tourism
Mission and values
Creation of a sustainable tourism product that recreates centers of cultural attraction within the city limits
Difficulty in familiarizing with the cultural code of Budva, Podgorica and Montenegro in general


The main problems that our project can solve are the following:

  • Budva has few points of attraction of culture and social life;
  • there are no platforms for interaction between emigrants, tourists and Montenegrins;
  • emigrants know little about the real culture of Montenegro.
Proposed solution

Specific steps to solve the problem:

  • Research, partnering with a local NPO, getting a grant
  • Create a media product
  • Creating a product on sustainable tourism
Founders of the project
Aleksandr Ivanuk
Co-founder Dvorišta

О себе: Созерцаю мир, созидаю в потоке.

Values: I believe in human evolution and strengthening social interaction.

Interests: Awareness, NFT and new art forms, social and environmental projects

Competencies: experience in premium tour product development (10 years of experience), photo and video production (9 years of experience), meditation and awareness practices (20 years of experience).

Alexey Shapovalov
Co-founder Dvorišta

About myself: a warm heart, an open mind.

Values: welcoming change, continuing the journey.

Interests: Awareness, economics, regenerative practices and methods, journalism, dub & garage continuum.

Competencies: economic analytics (30 years), journalism (25 years), media management and sustainability design (15 years), meditation (10 years)

Project team

  • Editor-in-chief, economist, video producer, director
  • Tourism coordinators
  • Participant with the skill to interact with local authorities and Montenegrin music and artistic community.
  • There are candidates for the role of gr
  • There are candidates for partner Montenegrin HBO
Project needs
For successful implementation, we need to:
Contact us via Telegram